Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This morning Floyd Michael brought me a bowl of small potatoes from the garden. We didn't actively plant potatoes. They seem to grow from compost material. Apparently we also have a compost tomato plant too.

We are really having so much fun with the garden. Floyd refers to the garden as his "crops", and communes with them both morning and evening.

Jason has his own strawberry plants, which he waters and checks for progress each time he visits.

The garden fits in really well with our preparedness and provident living goals.

We are especially looking forward to a ton of zuccini this year, since someone (me) meant to grab one more plant at Lowe's but instead grabbed a multi-pack of four (to add to our existing zuccini stash. Daniel should be thrilled, as he can't get enough zuccini. Hopefully we won't turn into those people who foist huge zuccini off on all of the neighbors!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Review: Honeyville Farms Scone Mix

Another weekend purchase. Just for fun.

I was pleasantly surprised at how easy these were to put together. Dissolve yeast in water, add to mix. Let the Kitchen Aid knead it for awhile. Roll out. Rest for 20 minutes. Fry (yes, fry).

One-half of the dough had raisins mixed in (for Floyd Michael). The other half had chocolate chips mixed in (for Jason).

When Jason realized they weren't chocolate chip pancakes (I'm pretty sure he thinks my role in life is to keep him stocked in chocolate chip pancakes), he announced the didn't like scones. No suprise there! When I let him sprinkle a little sugar on top of the warm scones, he decided they might be worth trying. He loved them (chocolate, sugar, fried, um, why not?). He decided next time he spends the night he wants chocolate chip scones AND chocolate chip pancakes. We told him we'd have to rotate, and he seemed okay with that.

They were great. And I was impressed at how fast I was able to have a hot breakfast treat on the table. Definitely something I will want to have while my in-laws are visiting later this summer.

I believe they can be baked, too, and will definitely try that next time.

Review: Ova Easy Egg Crystals

One of these days I'll remember to get pictures, but wanted to write the review before I forgot.

We made a trip to Honeyville Grain in Rancho Cucamonga this past weekend, and bought a few new items for our storage.

Some storge staples scare me more than others. Eggs are pretty high on the list. This was my first foray into the dried/powdered/dehydrated egg category.

Figuring there was no time like the present, I made them this morning. Everyone ate them, from our grandson who was spending the night, to everyone else in the family. No one knew. Even I, who obviously "knew" found them perfectly acceptable. And easy. Add water, wait a few minutes and cook. Smelled like eggs. Looked like eggs. Tasted like eggs. I definitely see more of these in our future. I highly recommend them.