Monday, March 28, 2011

Organization Desperation

I love to organize. I love it when a new solution is found to an existing problem. Last week, Floyd Michael hung a three storage pockets on the wall next to my desk. Now, instead of pinning full sized papers to the cork board and removing them multiple times per day, they are in sheet protectors, in storgage pockets. Now I can actually see what is on my cork board, and can easily grab these sheets while I am working and put them back quickly. I had taken to leaving them on my desk or the bench next to my desk to save pinning and unpinning multiple times (sounds silly, but when I am working, it is a time issue). My desk is so much neater now, work flows smoother. I love it when a problem is solved. The next storage issue on my mind is dumbells. Hand held weights. A couple of sets, different shapes. They are on the shelves between my scrapbooking supplies right now. They ruin the aesthetic of the shelves (which are gorgeous, if I do say so myself). And not convenient. Not quite sure what to do with them, but I'm thinking about it. I want them visible, so I will remember to use them. Easily accessible. Not on my desktop though. Those weird items that sort of defy categorization, that aren't similar in shape/size, but that I want to keep just drive me crazy.

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