I truly believe that every child needs to have someone who loves them best, or at least makes them feel as if they do. Obviously, this is not their parent. Maybe an extended family member or close family friend.
My grandfather was this person in my life. For a variety of reasons my need may have been greater than most, and his love for me was akin to a beacon in the darkness. I can't overstate the effect that this had on my life. I doubt that even he knew how great my need was, nor the effect that his loving actions had on my life.
My fondness for and love of my grandfather never wavered. I was blessed (and I do not use that term lightly) to enjoy that special relationship until long into my adulthood. Although his last few years were difficult, I consider it such an honor to have shared so many years with him.
I have a picture of my grandfather on my desk. I look at him every day, and those loving feelings are still there. The love he felt for me, and I for him, did not die with him. It lives on.
Because of this experience with my grandfather, it was interesting to watch my childrens early years unfold. I recognized special relationships between each of them and a significant person in their lives. Why or how these special connections are made is something of a mystery. Perhaps it is chemistry. Perhaps a loving Heavenly Father provides these special someones to meet a particular need.
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