Today is Destiny's birthday. Happy birthday to my girl!
Parents tend to have a list of things they want for their children to do, or to be. Mostly, I want my children to be happy. I want them to be thinking, thoughtful people. I want them to know success in the world, rather than struggle. I want them to find work that means something to them more than simply a paycheck. I want them to have solid, meaningful, fulfilling relationships. I want them to have health. I want them to do good in the world. I want them to give, rather than simply take.
I admire Destiny. I appreciate the hard work and long hours she is putting in at this stage in her life. She is loyal and hard working and responsible and reliable. She is out there working for the future that she wants. We have wonderful conversations that show me only glimpses of the girl that was, but even more the woman she has become. She is an amazing granddaughter, and I so admire and appreciate the relationship she has carved out with her grandparents. She is an absolutely amazing Aunt, and Jason adores her.
I couldn't have asked for a better daughter. I can't wait to see the great things that are yet to come for my girl.
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