Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Difficult things happen in the world, our country, our local community, in our familes, or to us personally. A lot of amazing, wonderful and positive things happen, as well. Often, as the difficult times fade into the background and are replaced by those blessed "nothing special to report" days, we figure out that something positive has come from the difficult experience - not that we would ever like to go through it again!

As a part of the human family, a citizen, a neighbor, a friend, an extended family member, a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, whatever the connection may be, when tragedy strikes we want to help in some way.

It is so easy to feel overwhelmed, to feel as if what little we could do couldn't begin to touch the calamity at hand. On the other hand, if no one does anything, where does that leave us?

Floyd and I have been talking at length about world issues, family issues, and life in general. This is nothing new for us. (Side note: I highly recommend a best friend and life partner who thinks deeply about life and is willing to entertain and discuss a myriad of options. Definitely makes life interesting). Again and again we come back to feeling the need to do all that we can do. It may never be enough, but it is surely better than doing nothing at all.

As a parent, and a grandparent, we would do anything to protect our children (yes, even the grown ones). This extends outward, until you get back to the extended family, friends, neighbors, local community, country, world.

So what are we to do? Obviously "nothing" is the incorrect answer here, at least for us.

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